The Influence of Administering Mepolizumab by Autoinjector on Real-world Outcomes in Severe Asthma: Results From the REALITI-A Study at 2 Year.AUDICANA BERASATEGUI, MARIA TERESA.
Is Anisakis simplex a Trigger for Anaphylactic Reactions in Hereditary Alpha-Tryptasemia?.AUDICANA BERASATEGUI, MARIA TERESA, OLLO MORALES, PAULA, VELASCO AZAGRA, MARTA, BESGA BASTERRA, ARIADNA, FERNANDEZ IBAÑEZ, EDUARDO. Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, 993-998. 2023 Drug-Induced Kounis Syndrome: Latest Novelties..Ollo-Morales P, Gutierrez-Niso M, De-la-Viuda-Camino E, Ruiz-de-Galarreta-Beristain M, Osaba-Ruiz-de-Alegria I, Martel-Martin C. Current Treatment Options In Allergy, 10, 1-18. 2023 Anisakis, Something Is Moving Inside the Fish.Audicana, M.T.. PATHOGENS, 11, 0-0. 2022 Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC) Vision of Drug Provocation Tests: Reply.Audicana, M.T., Ortega, N.R.. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIONAL ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 32, 242-243. 2022 Adverse Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines and Studies of the Mechanisms Involved.AUDICANA BERASATEGUI, MARIA TERESA, MURO RUIZ DE ARCAUTE, MARIA INMACULADA, LONGO, MARIA NATIVIDAD, MARTINEZ ARCEDIANO, ANA, OLLO, PAULA, FERNANDEZ IBAÑEZ, EDUARDO. Archives of microbiology & immunology, 6, 221-230. 2022 Social wasps in Spain: the who and where.Vega, J.M., Ortiz-Sánchez, F.J., Martínez-Arcediano, A., Castro, L., Alfaya, T., Carballada, F., Cruz, S., Marqués, L., Vega, A., Ruiz-Le6n, B.. ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA, 50, 58-64. 2022 Severity and duration of allergic conjunctivitis: are they associated with severity and duration of allergic rhinitis and asthma?.Sánchez-Hernández MC, Dordal MT, Navarro AM, Dávila I, Fernández-Parra B, Colás C, Rondón C, Del Cuvillo A, Vega F, Montoro J, Lluch-Bernal M, Matheu V, Campo P, González ML, González-Pérez R, Izquierdo-Domínguez A, Puiggros A, Velasco M, Fernández-Palacín A, Valero A. European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 54, 277-283. 2022 Adverse Reactions to Anti-Infective Vaccines: an Emerging Problem in the COVID-19 Era..Escudero C, Prieto-Montaño P, Audicana MT. Current Treatment Options In Allergy, 9, 250-272. 2022 The Century of mRNA Vaccines: COVID-19 Vaccines and Allergy..Ortega Rodríguez NR, Audícana Berasategui MT, de la Hoz Caballer B, Valero Santiago A. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIONAL ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 31, 89-91. 2021