Normal-Fat vs. High-Fat Diets and Olive Oil vs. CLA-Rich Dairy Fat: A Comparative Study of Their Effects on Atherosclerosis in Male Golden Syrian Hamsters.Berriozabalgoitia, A., Ruiz de Gordoa, J.C., Amores, G., Santamarina-Garcia, G., Hernández, I., Virto, M..
Metabolites, 13, .
2023 Relationship between the dynamics of volatile aroma compounds and microbial succession during the ripening of raw ewe milk-derived Idiazabal cheese.Santamarina-García, G., Amores, G., Hernández, I., Morán, L., Barrón, L.J.R., Virto, M..
Current Research in Food Science, 6, .
2023 Intsektuak, etorkizuneko elikadura?.AMORES OLAZAGIRRE, GUSTAVO, VIRTO LEKUONA, MAILO.
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2023 Sustainable, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverages using leftover bread.Massa, A., Axpe, E., Atxa, E., Hernández, I..
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 30, 100607.
2022 Relationship between the Dynamics of Gross Composition, Free Fatty Acids and Biogenic Amines, and Microbial Shifts during the Ripening of Raw Ewe Milk-Derived Idiazabal Cheese.Santamarina-García, G., Amores, G., López de Armentia, E., Hernández, I., Virto, M..
ANIMALS, 12, .
2022 Antibiotics in Dairy Production: Where Is the Problem?.Virto, M., Santamarina-García, G., Amores, G., Hernández, I..
Dairy, 3, 541-564.
2022 Dietary fatty acid metabolism: New insights into the similarities of lipid metabolism in humans and hamsters.Berriozabalgoitia, A., Ruiz de Gordoa, J.C., Amores, G., Virto, M..
Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, 4, .
2022 Characterization of Microbial Shifts during the Production and Ripening of Raw Ewe Milk-Derived Idiazabal Cheese by High-Throughput Sequencing.Santamarina-García, G., Hernández, I., Amores, G., Virto, M..
2022 The Sum of Plasma Fatty Acids iso16:0, iso17:0, trans11-18:1, cis9, trans11-CLA, and cis6-18:1 as Biomarker of Dairy Intake Established in an Intervention Study and Validated in the EPIC Cohort of Gipuzkoa.Berriozabalgoitia A, Gordoa JCR, Renobales M, Amores G, Barron LJR, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, Perea Z, Virto M.
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2021 Short communication: To what extent do environmental or technological conditions affect the sensory differentiation of raw ewe milk cheeses produced in valley or mountain farms?.Amores G, Pérez-Elortondo FJ, Albisu M, Barron LJR.
2021 La microbiota del queso y su importancia funcional.Gorka Santamarina-García, José M. Fresno, Mailo Virto, Gustavo Amores, Gustavo Amores.
Revista Espanola De Nutricion Comunitaria-Spanish Journal Of Community Nutrition, 26, 248-256.